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Aggreko trials H2 generator and fuel-cell battery hybrid

Together with cleantech partner CMB.TECH, Aggreko has developed a 50 kVA hydrogen combustion genset demonstrator. After successful testing, Aggreko is now investing in 10 additional units to support hydrogen readiness, working with lead consumers and partners to test and validate hydrogen as an energy carrier in temporary power.

The solution will be ready for customer installations in Europe in the second half of 2021.This solution is Tier 4f/Stage V compliant without aftertreatment and results in near to no NOx emissions.

In addition, Aggreko has partnered with Nedstack to build a fuel cell demonstration unit that will integrate zero-emission hydrogen technology into Aggreko’s canopy storage battery solution. The hydrogen hybrid consists of a Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell and a lithium-ion storage system. The zero-emissions solution will be piloted in Aggreko’s hub in Moerdijk, Netherlands.

Aggreko is exploring hydrogen technologies and fuel supply logistics to better understand long-term feasibility and usage in temporary power generation. The engine and fuel cell hybrids will be available as field-trial and demonstrator units at customer’s sites in the second half of 2021. This will help businesses around the world – from events to construction - to reduce their own emissions and bridge the gap to net zero.