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Consortium to explore LH2 infrastructure in Singapore

Keppel Data Centres, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Linde Gas Singapore, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and Vopak LNG Holding have entered into an MOU to jointly explore the concept development of a supply infrastructure to bring liquefied hydrogen into Singapore to power Keppel’s data centers.

Under this MOU, the five industry partners will jointly study the technical and commercial viability of a LH2 supply chain, including the feasibility of having a production and liquefaction plant and export terminal at the exporting country, transportation via ocean-going tankers, as well as an import terminal, storage units and regasification facilities in Singapore. The study is expected to continue till the end of 2021. At that juncture, the partners will decide on the next phase of their collaboration.

The partners envision that the LH2 supply infrastructure will benefit data center facilities such as the floating data center park project in Singapore that Keppel Data Centers is currently pursuing.

In its liquid state, hydrogen occupies 800 times less volume compared to its gaseous state, allowing for more compact and efficient storage and transportation. As such, LH2 is gaining traction as a compelling clean energy alternative for land-scarce markets.

"Kawasaki will contribute to the establishment of LH2 supply infrastructure by providing optimal solutions to Keppel Data Centers," said Dr. Motohiko Nishimura, Executive Officer and Deputy General Manager of Hydrogen Strategy Division of Kawasaki. "We are excited to join this innovative project led by Keppel, and look forward to our five companies’ collaboration contributing to decarbonization and sustainability in Singapore."