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Everfuel, OKQ8 to cooperate on Swedish H2 station network

Everfuel Sweden AB and OKQ8 have entered into a cooperation agreement for joint development of the green hydrogen market in Sweden by establishing a network of H2 stations for zero-emission mobility in connection with existing and new OKQ8 service stations.  

The hydrogen station network will target prime locations for intensive and heavy-duty customers, but it will also be open for passenger vehicles. The network will initially cover the larger cities and transport corridors between Stockholm, Malmoe and Gothenburg. The ambition is for the collaboration to kick-off the roll-out of green hydrogen in Sweden and enable customers to transition from fossil to green fuels. OKQ8 is a leading Swedish fuel company with more than 400 service stations and Everfuel is expanding its European production, distribution and network of hydrogen fueling stations.

Everfuel will be responsible for operating the H2 stations at each site and supply the green hydrogen. The parties share the ambition to have 10 joint sites in operation by 2024 and will jointly develop lead customers to enable establishment of each station. The parties are at an advanced stage at several locations and will provide further information as the roll-out progresses 

The cooperation with OKQ8 follows Everfuel’s H2 station roll-out ambition for Sweden, announced this April, targeting up to 15 strategically positioned fueling sites in Sweden by end of 2023, many of which are expected to be located with OKQ8. The Swedish network is part of the company’s Scandinavian fueling strategy for trucks, buses and cars connecting the main traffic corridors in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.