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Offshore green H2 jack-up rig production concept planned for North Sea

Aquaterra Energy has signed a partnership with Lhyfe and Borr Drilling to develop an innovative concept for offshore green hydrogen production in the North Sea.

The organizations behind Project Haldane, will develop an industrial scale offshore green hydrogen production concept, through the deployment of an electrolyzer system on a converted jack-up rig.

Reliable winds far out in the North Sea are an exceptional renewable resource, yet remote locations create challenges around grid connectivity and intermittency of supply. This unique, flexible solution will solve this issue by providing an off take for the electricity produced in the immediate vicinity of the windfarm and aims to use existing platforms, pipelines, terminal infrastructure, and offshore equipment leveraging the existing infrastructure to reduce costs.

"Lhyfe is already producing renewable hydrogen in industrial quantities onshore, with a direct connection to renewable energy, pumping sea water and purifying it to feed the electrolysis process. This is hence a production process already considering offshore harsh conditions. Over the last few years, we have also been working on different projects to deploy our production process offshore. Offshore wind offers the greatest potential for sustainable hydrogen production because of the cost effectiveness that can be achieved through scalability and technological innovation," said Matthieu Guesné, CEO at Lhyfe. "The market is yet to deliver a flexible solution that benefits from the existing infrastructure in the North Sea and Lhyfe wants to be at the forefront of this change by creating a world-first green hydrogen production of this kind."