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Hybrid Energy reveals novel H2 fuel cell technology

Hybrid Energy Inc. has produced a hydrogen fuel cell-focused technology which leverages the advantages of battery-electric vehicles while eliminating the downfalls of the battery's size and weight and its lengthy recharge times.

The founders of Hybrid Energy met when collaborating on the development of advanced electronic motor controllers for battery-electric vehicles for a wide variety of both on- and off-road uses. The successful establishment of that technology inspired patent-pending work on this further evolution, which incorporates hydrogen fuel cells into those same vehicle drive trains.

"We had recognized earlier that the world was going through an evolution to emission-free vehicles," said Richard Hughes, PEng, President of Hybrid Energy. "It became a natural next step to then take the advantages of batteries, combine them with the advantages of fuel cells, and realize a hybrid approach that would maximize the combination of the two. Hybrid Energy's hybrid technology allows for the shrinking of battery size and cost through the addition of modestly sized, fast-fueling hydrogen fuel cells."