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PowerTap's FusionOne on track to deliver first waste-to-H2 system in Michigan

PowerTap Hydrogen Capital Corp recently provided an update on its investee, FusionOne Energy Corp., after the company’s announcement of its purchase of 5% of FusionOne in April 2021 and subsequent FusionOne update in May 2021.

FusionOne is a producer of technologies primarily for the conversion of plastic waste-to-hydrogen and clean electricity with proprietary, patented pending technologies for the thermal processing of plastics and other carbon matter into clean “white” hydrogen and electricity. FusionOne has continued its efforts to commercialize its HydroPlas Reactor with plastic polymer feedstocks and a number of other carbon-based waste feedstocks and is on track to have the first system operational in the first half of 2022, as planned and as announced in PowerTap‘s April 2021 announcement. Installation of the first reactor will be in feedstock rich Detroit, Michigan in the new year with final components arriving for full system commissioning in late February 2022. FusionOne has focused itself on securing its supply chain within North America and is pleased to have built strong relationships with key component suppliers able to meet FusionOne’s growth plans over the coming years. Additional sites are expected to be announced in early 2022.

"As we have been finalizing fabrication of the HydroPlas Reactor, we have actively engaged with hydrogen industry leaders, particularly in the US and European hydrogen mobility sectors, to develop key relationships and identify additional sites for deployment of our reactor in strategically significant locations in support of efforts by global governments which are focused on combatting climate change," said FusionOne CEO, Elliott Talbott. "We at FusionOne see ourselves as a key component of these strategies and developing the infrastructure and hydrogen supply chain required to support these governments."

"While PowerTap is focused on deployment of blue hydrogen production at the moment, we recognize that other forms of hydrogen production may be appropriate in different geographies, based on local context and environment," said PowerTap CEO Raghu Kilambi.