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Kraftanlagen energies & services established as general contractor for power-to-gas facilities

Power-to-gas solution underpins sustainable energy transition
As the operating company tasked with green H2 generation for the HyPerformer model region HyBayern, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), Hy2B Wasserstoff GmbH has appointed Kraftanlagen Energies & Services GmbH as the general contractor for the construction of a 5 MW H2 generation plant encompassing an electrolyzer, compression and filling station, electricity supply system and the requisite auxiliary facilities.

Rapid delivery of green mobility
Construction of the H2 plant is due to start in Autumn 2022, promptly followed by the installation of the electrolyzer and system technology. Commissioning is planned for the 2Q of 2023, with commercial operations scheduled to start in the second half of the year. Using regional green electricity, the electrolyzer is anticipated to produce an average of 1,200 kilograms of green H2 per day, compress the gas to up to 450 bar and pump it to a filling station and into a H2 trailer with a capacity of 1,250 kg. The green H2 will be delivered to two bus and truck filling stations in the districts of Munich and Ebersberg, which in turn will supply the regional transport H2 fuel cell buses.

Alfons Weber, CEO of Kraftanlagen Energies & Services GmbH said, “We are delighted that as the general contractor for the power-to-gas facility, we now also have the opportunity to bring the hydrogen know-how we have developed over the years into this Bavarian future-oriented project. Together with our client Hy2B, we are creating with this project a watershed in terms of sustainable energy transition. It is important that we start constructing P2G plants now in order to achieve the ambitious target of 10 GW by 2030 set by the Federal Government.”

Tried and tested electrolysis technology
Kraftanlagen has commissioned a longstanding partner, Norwegian manufacturer NEL, to produce key components of the alkaline electrolyzer. The plant concept, pipeline planning, installation layout, process technology and commissioning will fall within the remit of Kraftanlagen’s P2G group. Michael Klamt, head of P2G and project manager at Kraftanlagen Energies & Services said, “As the general contractor, we have an overview of the entire project value chain from planning to implementation. In addition to the technical solution, the ambitious schedule is also particularly challenging given that with this project we want to be amongst the first.”