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Smoltek inks collaboration agreement to trial nanofiber-based cell material for PEM electrolyzers

Smoltek Innovation has signed a collaboration agreement with a large international manufacturer of material for electrolyzers. The collaboration agreement includes the development of demonstrators based on Smoltek's highly efficient nanofiber-based cell material for PEM electrolyzers.

The parties have signed a collaboration agreement, which means that Smoltek's carbon nanofibers and corrosion protection will be combined with other materials from the manufacturer, and catalyst particles from a third party, into a lab-sized demonstrator. This demonstration material will then be integrated into a complete PEM electrolyzer cell, followed by test runs and measurement of its performance.

“It is exciting that we and our partner have now signed a collaboration agreement for this development project, and we are both looking forward to developing a complete PEM electrolyzer cell with our patent-protected technology,” said Fabian Wenger, Tech Lead at Smoltek Innovation.

This project is conducted to verify the potential of Smoltek's nanofiber-based cell material and its ability to reduce the amount of extremely expensive catalyst particles in PEM electrolyzers. Smoltek's carbon nanofiber technology increases the active surface that is in contact with the membrane in the electrolyzer cell, which in turn reduces the total size of the electrolyzer with maintained production capacity.

“Together, these properties significantly reduce the production cost for green hydrogen,” said Ellinor Ehrnberg, President of Smoltek Innovation.

EU H2 investments are skyrocketing

On May 18, 2022 the European Commission presented a wide range of initiatives to reduce Europe’s reliance on fossil fuels and a list of proposals aimed to stimulate the production of renewable H2 and to improve framework conditions for European electrolyzer manufacturers were included in this plan, known as RePowerEU.

These proposals included, among others, two main targets: To increase the industry target from 50% renewable H2 consumption in 2030 to 75%. And to doubling the next ETS Innovation Fund call for large scale projects set to be announced in Autumn of this year. €3 B will be made available, for among other electrolyzer manufacturers.

”Furthermore, the European electrolyser manufacturing capacity must be scaled-up significantly to meet the expected demand for renewable hydrogen production. Electrolyser manufacturers in Europe set the objective to have in place by 2025 a combined annual electrolyser manufacturing capacity in Europe of 17.5 GW, and to further increase that capacity by 2030 in line with projected demand for renewable and low-carbon hydrogen48. To support these objectives, the European Commission will put in place enabling regulatory framework, facilitate access to finance and promote efficient supply chains. The upscaling of the electrolyser manufacturing capacities will require investments estimated at up to €2bn,” said the RePoweEU plan.