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Air Liquide, Daimler Truck complete liquid H2 refueling for a truck prototype

Air Liquide and Daimler Truck AG successfully completed a liquid H2 refueling for a heavy-duty long-haul fuel-cell truck prototype in Wörth, Germany. With this milestone, Air Liquide supports the decarbonization of heavy-duty road transport over long distances, for which liquid H2 is a particularly suitable solution.

Air Liquide developed an enhanced mobile refueling system based on an innovative technology. The system successfully refilled a prototype heavy-duty truck powered by liquid H2 directly at Daimler Truck’s development and testing facility. Air Liquide also supplied the liquid H2 produced in its nearby liquefaction plant.

Currently on the market, trucks are powered with gaseous H2. As the energy density of liquid H2 is higher than that of gaseous H2, its use could double the range and capabilities for heavy-duty long-haul trucks (up to 1,000 km and more).