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GAUSSIN and Lhyfe partner to accelerate the development of H2 mobility at port, airport and logistics sites

GAUSSIN and Lhyfe have announced their signing of a MoU with a view to a strategic partnership. The agreement should make it possible to accelerate the development of H2 mobility at port, airport and logistics sites by offering a global solution for the production and distribution of carbon-free mobility.

According to the terms of the MoU signed by GAUSSIN and Lhyfe, the two operators will study the possibility of developing a comprehensive renewable mobility solution combining the H2 vehicles of GAUSSIN and the green and renewable H2 produced by Lhyfe.

The partnership also includes a commercial component aimed at identifying potential customers, in France and abroad, likely to be interested in such an all-round renewable mobility solution for logistics, port and airport sites.

Promising synergies

Lhyfe produces green and renewable H2 from water and renewable energy (by electrolysis of water). The company, which inaugurated its first production site in 2021, already has a sales pipeline representing a total installed production capacity of 9.8 GW by 2030 (figure as of mid-September 2022). It seeks to develop and operate green and renewable H2 production sites across Europe to decarbonize transport and industry.

Lhyfe’s business is thus complementary to that of GAUSSIN, which designs heavy handling vehicles running on H2. Aware of the possible synergies between their areas of business, Lhyfe and GAUSSIN wish to offer a global green H2 mobility solution for the transport and logistics ecosystem.

“Renewable green hydrogen is now an extremely relevant solution for the logistics sector, from all points of view – ecologically, practically and economically,” said Christophe Dubruque, Mobility Development Director at Lhyfe. “This memorandum of understanding with GAUSSIN will allow us to approach the very specific sector of logistics, port and airport sites with a perfectly adapted turnkey solution.”

 “GAUSSIN has a full range of hydrogen-powered vehicles, and we want to accelerate the implementation of these mobility solutions by facilitating, via Lhyfe, the distribution of green hydrogen. Through our partnership, we can combine hydrogen vehicles and the distribution of renewable hydrogen through a global green mobility offer that may extend to Transport as a Service. This agreement completes an already rich year for GAUSSIN in the field of hydrogen, marked in particular by the success of our H2 Racing Truck in the Dakar Rally and its world tour, the “Hydrogen personality of the year” award which was presented to me at the National Assembly and the launch of the Automated Guided Vehicle AGV H2. With Lhyfe, we share the ambition of ramping-up the hydrogen sector and I am confident about the continuing negotiations,” said Christophe GAUSSIN, CEO of GAUSSIN.