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Applus+ IDIADA and IE collaborate on H2 fuel cell development projects

Intelligent Energy and Applus+ IDIADA collaborate on H2 fuel cell development projects. Intelligent Energy and IDIADA have signed an agreement to collaborate on H2 fuel cell development projects for automotive applications.

H2 fuel cell technology is emerging as a high potential solution for the decarbonization of future mobility and will contribute to achieving the zero emission targets of the automotive industry.

IEL and IDIADA are collaborating to develop advanced predictive models of IEL’s fuel cell stacks and balance-of-plant. These models will be used by IEL to support future fuel cell system development and optimization based on digital twin simulation. The system model generated will also be used by IDIADA in complete vehicle simulation platforms to provide accurate fuel cell modelling, reducing FCEV development time and optimizing vehicle performance.

Both companies intend to continue collaborating on future projects that will contribute to the development of a more sustainable future mobility.