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Compressed Gas Association announces landmark H2 initiative: Safe H2 project

The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) announced the launch of its Safe H2 Project, an ambitious new safety initiative working to establish and promote industry-wide standards for the production, transportation, and storage of H2 and the safe operation of H2 systems.

The CGA has been producing standards for H2 systems for nearly 70 years. Our growing library of 30+ safety publications and standards address the safe operation for producing H2, storing H2, delivering H2 and applying H2 as a fuel source.

“Today, we’re at the cusp of one of the biggest transformations in history – the shift to a H2 economy,” said Rich Gottwald, President and CEO of CGA. “H2 is poised to drive everything from transportation to shipping, power generation, and infrastructure. Two things are essential to making this vast new H2 energy network function – safety, and interoperability; and CGA’s Safe H2 Project sits at the intersection of those two imperatives.”

“Our standards will help assure that each individual piece of the new H2 economy, from production to storage to delivery to application, can work together as a safe, seamless, and interconnected network. Our work is vital to making the H2 economy a reality,” he added.

The Safe H2 Project will bring together CGA’s expertise and vast knowledge of developing and publishing industry safety standards, with the most current and cutting-edge information about how H2 is being incorporated in the global energy mix. The high interest and innovation around H2 as a clean, carbon-free energy source, requires the accelerated focus and collaboration that the Safe H2 Project will bring. 

Through this initiative, CGA aims to:

  • Empower the energy economy by increasing public awareness and understanding of H2
  • Develop and implement safety standards for many parts of the H2 supply chain, building on 110 years of standard writing experience from CGA.
  • Promote collaboration and information sharing among industry stakeholders to ensure safe and responsible use of H2.

“We believe that by working together, we can facilitate a safe and more viable energy source for the future. Our initiative will be open to participation from all industry stakeholders, including H2 producers, transporters, and users,” said Gottwald.

With this announcement, CGA also invited all interested parties to join us in this important effort to promote H2 safety and pave the way for a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.