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Evonik invests in a pilot electrolyzer to produce green H2 for isophorone diamine

Evonik is investing in a pilot electrolyzer at its site in Herne (Germany) to produce green H2 as a starting product for isophorone diamine (IPDA), a key raw material for rotor blades for wind turbines. In an accompanying project, Siemens Energy is researching how this new electrolysis technology stands up in industrial use. The project consortium started at the end of 2022 and runs until mid-2025. The investment and research project receive funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Judith Pirscher, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research said, “Green H2 is the missing piece in the energy transition puzzle. By funding the H2annibal project, we are supporting research into innovative H2 technologies in real conditions in a chemical plant. In this way, we are speeding up the transfer from science to industry and supporting the ramp-up of the H2 economy in Germany. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is providing total funding of around €9.3 MM for these two projects.”

Maike Schuh, CFO of Evonik said, “We are investing massively in green growth to position ourselves more sustainably. To reduce our carbon footprint, we intend to invest a total of €700 MM in production processes and infrastructure group-wide by 2030. H2 electrolysis in Herne is a key element in that.”

Evonik and Siemens Energy are therefore driving forward industrial transformation regarding climate protection precisely where the Hannibal mine extracted hard coal until about 50 years ago. Rainer Stahl, manager of the Herne site said, “In the H2annibal project, we are testing a new type of electrolysis technology and therefore making a contribution to reducing CO2 emissions and, at the same time, safeguarding the sustainable supply of H2 and oxygen to our production facilities in the mid-term.”

At present, the H2 used by Evonik in Herne is fossil-based. In the future, green H2 should be produced directly at this site using a proton exchange membrane electrolyzer from Siemens Energy with rated power of 8 MW. This will be operated with renewable energy. Green H2 from this electrolyzer could meet up to 45% of the H2 and, in addition, 100% of the oxygen required at this site. In the electrolysis process, water is split into H2 and oxygen with the aid of electricity. Using the electrolyzer could avoid 12,000 metric tpy CO2.

Manuel Mundt, Vice President Finance for Sustainable Energy Systems at Siemens Energy said, “Avoiding greenhouse gas emissions is particularly difficult in the industrial sector. We need innovations and strong partnerships to find new technological routes that drive forward the transformation of industry.” In Herne, Evonik and Siemens Energy now have an opportunity to test a new generation of electrolysis system for green H2 in a complex integrated production system that is typical for the chemical industry. Herne is a model for a chemical park with fluctuating, demand-driven H2 requirements.

The H2annibal project: a pilot electrolyzer to produce H2 for IPDA production at the Herne/Hannibal mine site is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.