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Technip Energies and Casale partner to offer advanced autothermal reforming-based technology

Technip Energies and Casale announce a new partnership to jointly license oxidative reforming-based technologies: autothermal reforming (ATR) and partial oxidation (POx) technologies for the blue H2 market. ATR is a process to produce syngas that contains H2, CO and CO2. It becomes cost effective for low-carbon H2 when combined with carbon capture technology and suitable for larger-scale facilities.

As part of this collaboration, Technip Energies and Casale will be co-licensors of the technology and will offer Process Design Package (PDP), proprietary equipment and entire plants. To decarbonize H2 facilities, the ATR-based solution could achieve up to 99% of carbon capture rate. Technip Energies’ two centers of excellence for H2, Claremont CA, US and Zoetermeer, NL, will jointly execute with Casale PDP for ATR-based blue H2 projects.

Loic Chapuis, SVP Gas & Low Carbon Energies of Technip Energies said, " We are excited to announce this partnership with Casale, which will allow us to offer cutting-edge ATR-based solutions for the blue H2 market. By leveraging our global leadership in H2, having delivered more than 30% of the installed capacity worldwide, with our combined proprietary technologies, we are confident that we can provide advanced and cost-effective solutions that will meet the needs of our customers. ATR-based solutions will be complementary to T.EN's proprietary SMR-based solutions, allowing us to offer a complete range of solutions in the low-carbon H2 market. We look forward to working with Casale to drive innovation and decarbonize H2 production at scale."

Federico Zardi, CEO of Casale SA, said, “We are delighted to enter this partnership with Technip Energies, a global leader in H2 plants. This partnership can provide the market with advanced solutions for the decarbonization of the world, leveraging our long history of developing and applying advanced ATR and POx technologies with several ATR-based mega production units already delivered, in combination with Technip Energies’ technological expertise in the H2 field.”