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Enapter AG unveils megawatt-class AEM Multicore electrolyzer

Enapter AG unveiled to the public the AEM Multicore—the world’s first megawatt-class AEM electrolyzer to produce green H2. The megawatt electrolyzer was officially unveiled in the presence of Mona Neubaur, Minister for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy and Deputy Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia. With the AEM Multicore, Enapter ushers in a new era in environmentally friendly solutions for the decarbonization of industry and the economy – and reaches an important milestone in its corporate history.

The AEM Multicore is a cost-effective alternative to conventional megawatt-class electrolyzers. It features 420 core modules—so-called AEM stacks. These are combined into a total system that can produce around 450 kg/d of green H2 with a purity of 99.999%. By scaling up many small units into one large system, Enapter can significantly reduce the cost of green H2. Enapter is already experiencing very good demand for the AEM Multicore. Orders have already been received from Europe, Asia and North America. 2023 will see Enapter focus on the construction of the first commercial AEM Multicore systems, while pre-series maturity is expected to be reached from 2024. In the medium term, the megawatt electrolyzer will be produced in series at the Enapter Campus in the German climate community of Saerbeck, North Rhine-Westphalia.

Facilities for production, research and development as well as administration are being set up on the Enapter Campus, which covers more than 80,000 square meters. The research and development team has already started operations on site. The energy supply for the Enapter Campus, including all future production facilities, is covered entirely by renewable energy. To achieve complete energy self-sufficiency independent of the grid, photovoltaic systems will be used on the Enapter Campus, as well as green electricity from solar, wind and biomass plants at the nearby Saerbeck Bioenergiepark. The waste heat from the biogas plants at the Bioenergiepark will, among other things, support the heating of the buildings on the Enapter Campus.

Sebastian-Justus Schmidt, CEO of Enapter, “We are very pleased to present our AEM Multicore to the public today. With the Multicore production on the Enapter Campus, we are taking a giant step towards circular production as well as cost optimization of electrolyzers. With our AEM technology, we will make H2 cheaper than fossil fuels in the next few years. The demand for our products is enormous: We are already the world’s largest producer of electrolyzers in terms of unit numbers. We are confident about our further development and look forward to helping shape a green future.”

Mona Neubaur, Minister for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy in North Rhine-Westphalia, “Green H2 is a key element for the energy transition. Innovative solutions and fast action are needed to implement the energy transition quickly. With the Enapter Campus, its unique energy concept and the innovative AEM technology, Enapter is setting a good example. This lighthouse project of H2 production in our region supports North Rhine-Westphalia on its way towards becoming a climate-neutral industrial location and technology leader for the global energy transition.”