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Everfuel endorses Danish H2 pipeline plan and intends to contribute initial green H2 volumes

Everfuel A/S endorses the Danish Government’s plan to build and operate H2 pipeline infrastructure. It is a clear political acknowledgement of green H2 as an essential component for the decarbonization of the European energy system.

The plan announced includes an agreement between the government and supporting political parties providing a roadmap for the Danish transmission system operator Energinet and the national distribution system operator Evida when developing future H2 pipeline infrastructure.

“We are pleased that the government and supporting political parties acknowledge Denmark’s unique position within green H2 and the importance of H2 infrastructure in the energy transition. Still, today’s agreement needs to be followed up by more details on pipeline connection points and tariffs, as well as the required coordination with H2 and renewable energy developers. Critical and competitive H2 infrastructure is vital for Denmark to fully deliver on our unique potential. At Everfuel, we will be ready to supply large volumes of H2 into the pipeline network to domestic and international end users,” said Jacob Krogsgaard the CEO and founder of Everfuel.