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ENEOS and JERA to start R&D to construct H2 quality standard system

ENEOS and JERA have commenced research and development for H2 quality related to the establishment of a large-scale CO2-free H2 supply chain with the aim to construct H2 quality standard system for industrial utilization.

This research and development are commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)’s Development of Technologies for Building a Competitive H2 Supply Chain program.

Towards the realization of a carbon-neutral society, various industrial applications H2 such as power generation, steel manufacturing, heat utilization, methanation, being considered, and it is desired to establish specifications and standards for H2 quality in each application.

In this project, ENEOS will conduct research on H2 properties for a wide range of industrial fuel applications, JERA will evaluate the impact of aromatic compounds, etc., on power generation applications. In power generation applications, the two companies will work toward industry standardization of H2 properties for each application, with the aim of establishing a quality standard system for H2 that compiles these results.