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REN adapts equipment to introduce green H2 in the gas transmission network

Redes Energéticas Nacionais (REN) has embarked on another phase of introducing H2 into the Portuguese National Gas Transmission Network (NGTN) by starting to remodel chromatographs, devices that measure the quality of the gas transmitted in the network. All 16 existing chromatographs in the network are expected to be adapted by the end of the year.

This action by REN is crucial to obtaining certification in 2023, allowing for the reception and transmission of up to a maximum of 10% green H2 in the NGTN during the initial phase. REN's intervention reflects the company's commitment to adapting the infrastructure of NGTN, REN Armazenagem, and REN Portgás to create the necessary technical conditions for the decarbonization goals defined by the Portuguese Government.

This operation follows the technical studies initiated in 2022 in the framework of the H2REN Program. These initial modifications will undergo a period of observation and performance monitoring during the initial phase, using both conventionally tele-transmitted data to Dispatch, as well as remote access. The project is being implemented by the Gas Operation area, with contributions from the Renewable-Gas Planning, Engineering and Innovation and Global Technical Management areas of the Portuguese National Gas System.

These modified chromatographs will also significantly reduce the consumption of Helium in their analysis by adding Argon, as Helium is a very rare, non-renewable gas essential for scientific research and used in technologies such as nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry, as well as in the production of optical fibers and computer chips. Aligned with European Union policies, decarbonizing gas infrastructure is one of the strategic objectives of Portuguese energy policy.