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Biden-Harris Administration to jumpstart clean H2 economy with new initiative

As part of Bidenomics and President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released a Notice of Intent (NOI), which includes a Request for Information (RFI), to invest up to $1 B in a demand-side initiative to support the Regional Clean H2 Hubs (H2Hubs). Funded by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the H2Hubs program will help form the foundation of a national clean H2 network vital to reducing emissions from some of the most energy-intensive sectors of our economy, including industrial and chemical processes and heavy-duty transportation. The announcement will help ensure producers and end users in the H2Hubs have the market certainty they need during the early years of production to unlock private investment and realize the full potential of clean H2. Achieving commercial-scale clean H2 deployment is critical to creating good-paying jobs and new economic opportunities in communities across the nation while also enabling our long-term decarbonization objectives. 

“Ensuring America is the global leader in the next generation of clean energy technologies requires all of us—government and industry—coming together to confront shared challenges, particularly lack of market certainty for clean H2 that too often delays progress,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “That’s why DOE is setting up a new initiative to help our private sector partners address bottlenecks and other project impediments—helping industry unlock the full potential of this incredibly versatile energy resource and supporting the long-term success of the H2hubs.”

Clean H2—a versatile and flexible energy carrier that can be produced with low- or zero-carbon emissions—offers substantial economic benefits and will help create tens of thousands of new, good-paying jobs across the country, particularly in underserved and energy communities. According to DOE’s Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Clean H2 report, America’s growing H2 economy has the potential to add 100,000 net new direct and indirect jobs by 2030. By enabling the development of diverse, domestic clean energy pathways across multiple sectors of the economy, clean H2 will strengthen American energy independence and accelerate the American manufacturing boom that has already created over 800,000 jobs since President Biden took office. 

Developing a H2 demand-side initiative is critical to ensuring the early commercial viability of a H2Hub given that demand formation for a new energy source typically lags creation of reliable supply. This new initiative will support the growth and sustainability of the H2Hubs program by providing the revenue certainty that H2 producers require to attract private sector investment. It will also help meet the needs of end users who often prefer the flexibility to purchase H2 on shorter-term contracts and require confidence in the long-term availability of clean H2 before making critical, long-term investments. 

The NOI, which includes a Request for Information on the program’s design, will help DOE refine and validate its approach to provide demand-side support for the hubs to enter the clean H2 market and will identify the best approach to engaging and potentially involving private sector institutions in the organization, capitalization and execution of the implementing entity’s mandate. To help inform the design of a demand-side support mechanism for the H2Hubs program, the NOI seeks public input on potential benefits and risks, operating models, governance structures, and equipped implementing partners. The NOI is also informed by DOE’s dialogue with the energy industry, clean energy investment firms, nonprofit entities, non-governmental organizations, and public response from the demand-side request for information issued in spring 2022 and from DOE’s Pathways to Commercial Liftoff Report on clean H2. Based on demonstrated performance and experience gained with the H2Hubs demand-side support mechanism, DOE may consider similar mechanisms for other technologies and clean energy products in the future.  

Funded by the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and managed by DOE’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations with support from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the H2Hubs are a critical component of the Biden-Harris Administration’s deep commitment to invest in America’s workforce, jumpstart local economic growth, and create good-paying jobs while strengthening America’s role as a clean energy leader. 

Later this year, the Biden-Harris Administration will announce the selection of six to 10 H2Hubs for a combined total funding of up to $7 B in federal funding—one of the most historic clean energy investments in history and a cornerstone of President Biden’s vision to achieve carbon-free grid by 2035 and net-zero emissions by 2050. The proposed mechanism outlined in the NOI will help connect the H2Hubs to prospective purchasers—providing durable demand and sufficient customers for the hubs while also supporting President Biden’s whole-of-government approach to building a strong clean H2 economy.