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ITM Power electrolyzer stack receives UKCA marked

ITM's state-of-the-art MEP30 electrolyzer stack has been successfully UKCA marked. Manufactured products deployed to the GB market after December 31, 2024, must have the UKCA marking.

This enables green H2 projects in the development stage to benefit from the required certainty of a UK-based partner offering product compliant with legislation which will take effect during their projects. The self-pressurized stack, which also maintains its CE marking for the EEA market, is the core element of ITM's proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer product portfolio. This is another achievement in line with ITM being the first PEM electrolyzer company to deploy three-digit MW plants in the market worldwide.

Staying one step ahead, ITM are also the first to announce UKCA accreditation, future proofing and demonstrating continual development of their products ensuring compliance with legislation crucial to serve the UK market. The legislation has been factored into the product design with the marking applied for in advance of the legal changes taking effect to ensure continuity and no disruption to the decarbonization efforts in the UK.

The United Kingdom Conformity Assessed or UKCA mark is being phased in to replace the CE mark in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and is a mandatory marking on a product to indicate that it conforms to GB legislation, applicable for products placed on the GB market after December 31, 2024.