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Sierra Northern Railway to convert three additional locomotives from diesel to H2

Sierra Northern Railway (SERA) continues to lead the industry in the conversion of diesel locomotives to H2-fueled, zero- emission locomotives. The California State Transportation Authority announced that it will fund Sierra Northern Railway's industry leading initiative to convert three additional diesel switching locomotives to H2-powered zero, emission solutions.

Sierra Northern Railway is receiving funding from the State of California, California State Transportation Authority, Port and Freight Infrastructure Project Funding through a public-private partnership with the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District. The total project cost will be approximately $19.5 MM to expand on its current efforts by developing, demonstrating and testing three additional H2-fueled, zero-emissions switcher locomotives.

The testing will be conducted on the soon to be constructed test track in SERA's West Sacramento rail yard. When this project is completed in quarter four of 2027, it will expand the SERA H2 Zero Emission Switching Locomotive Fleet to a total of four locomotives and will help SERA lead the way to eventually convert the entire SERA fleet to H2 powered zero-emission switchers as well as all 260+ switchers in California to a Sierra H2 Powered Zero Emission Switcher Locomotive.

This award builds on the 2021 award by the California Energy Commission grant to undertake a first-generation H2-fueled, zero-emissions switcher locomotive where SERA is retiring an older tier 0 diesel locomotive and replacing it with a zero-emission switching locomotive using cutting-edge H2 technology. The Energy Commission and California State Transportation Authority projects involve the integration of an advanced H2 fuel cell, H2 storage, advanced battery and systems control technologies to provide an alternative to less environmentally friendly diesel-powered locomotives.

Kennan H. Beard III, President of Sierra Northern Railway said, "SERA is extraordinarily proud to be awarded the funds by the California State Transportation Authority as we continue to lead the industry converting our fleet of switching locomotives to H2 powered zero emissions locomotives. We believe that through creative public-private partnerships like we have with the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District we can help the State of California achieve its goals of converting all switching locomotives to a Zero Emission Solution."

Alberto Ayala, Executive Director of the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District said, "The District is proud to play a role in the development and deployment of H2 locomotives in the Sacramento region. With over 25 years of experience implementing successful clean air projects for heavy-duty on-road and off-road vehicles, we are ready to support this new public-private partnership with SERA to build and demonstrate these H2-fueled, zero-emission fuel cell electric locomotives. This technology will provide significant air quality and environmental justice benefits to communities surrounding the Port of West Sacramento, as well as reduce global warming gases, noise, and odor. The project puts Sacramento squarely in the clean energy transition while helping California achieve its decarbonization goals."