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Accelera powers North America’s first green H2 passenger train

Accelera by Cummins, the zero-emission business segment of Cummins, is powering North America’s first H2 passenger train, marking a major milestone and significant step forward in the transition to clean urban transportation in the Americas. The train, the Coradia iLint, is manufactured by Alstom, the global green and smart mobility leader.

The Coradia iLint train entered service in Canada on June 17 as part of Alstom’s demonstration project, aiding in the development and marketability of H2 propulsion technology in North America. The train is operating with passengers on board for the entire summer season on the railway of Train de Charlevoix, an iconic line crossing the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of the Charlevoix region in the Province of Quebec, Canada.

A key element of the project is the utilization of Accelera fuel cells in conjunction with green H2. Mounted to the roof of the train, the fuel cells work to convert H2 into electricity, which powers the train. The green H2 used in Alstom’s Coradia iLint train is produced by an Accelera HySTAT®-100-10 electrolyzer, which is owned and operated in Quebec by project partner Harnois Énergies.

“Together with our visionary partners, we are reshaping the way people travel and inspiring a future where efficiency, sustainability and innovation go hand in hand,” said Alison Trueblood, General Manager of Fuel Cell and H2 Technologies at Accelera. "By leveraging the capabilities of H2-powered technology and our expertise in green H2 production, we’re driving innovation–providing zero-emission solutions for the urban mobility challenges today’s congested cities face."