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DP World selects TYCROP and Loop Energy for solution to decarbonize RTG cranes

Loop Energy, a leading H2 fuel cell manufacturer, and TYCROP, a leading industrial manufacturing and engineering company based in Chilliwack BC, are pleased to announce being selected to provide a H2 electric solution for the global supply chain leader DP World pilot project to decarbonize its rubber-tired gantry cranes (RTGs) fleet at the Port of Vancouver.

The design and manufacturing of DP World’s RTG pilot project is led by TYCROP Manufacturing Ltd, a leading industrial manufacturing and engineering company headquartered in Chilliwack BC and brings together a consortium of companies in British Columbia’s burgeoning H2 sector, including Loop Energy as fuel cell supplier and HTEC for H2 fuel supply.

With 1,500 RTGs operating globally, DP World is one of the world’s largest port operators with over 80 terminals across 40 countries. DP World has committed to cut CO2 emissions from its global operations by nearly 700,000 tons over the next five years and net zero carbon enterprise by 2050, which includes replacing its global fleet of assets from diesel to electric, investing in renewable power and exploring alternative fuels. With RTGs accounting for as much as 50% of shore-segment carbon emissions, DP World views development of a carbon-neutral solution for this segment of its operations as a critical component to achieving its overall decarbonization strategy.

“Decarbonization is a core focus for DP World, and we are proud to work with our local partners to deliver an innovative made in BC solution to reduce CO2 emissions from our Vancouver terminal operations. This vital pilot project aligns with DP World’s global commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2040,” said Joel Werner, DP World General Manager – Vancouver.

DP World’s rubber-tired gantry crane will be fitted with a TYCROP-designed dual fuel system powered by two of Loop Energy’s T505 fuel cell systems. The pilot project will see DP World’s first RTG powered by H2 fuel cell systems put into operation at the Port of Vancouver. The RTG pilot is expected to begin operation in Q2 2024 and will be used as a demonstrator to scale the electrification across the organization’s global fleet in subsequent phases.

Rubber-tired gantry cranes have a unique set of operating requirements that makes H2 fuel cells the viable pathway for achieving zero emissions, in a way that is not achievable by diesel-electric hybrid solutions. H2 is refueled quickly, allowing no compromise on their all-day operating hours, and fuel cells can operate efficiently and reliably under different weather conditions and power requirements.

DP World has chosen to conduct the pilot at the Port of Vancouver not only because the region is a hotbed of world-leading fuel cell and H2 companies, but also for the regional business ecosystem that is strongly supported by the Province of BC.

As an industrial design and manufacturing company, TYCROP invested and entered a strategic partnership with H2 specialist H2 Portable to rapidly develop and deploy a H2 Electric Generator (HEG) for DP World. TYCROP’s long-standing record in design, construction and execution of complex and operationally imperative equipment was a key qualifier to DP World’s selection, with the RTG testing conducted in real port conditions and everyday terminal operations.

Loop Energy’s H2 fuel cells were selected for their high fuel efficiency, a key differentiator of the company’s eFlow™ proprietary technology. Fuel consumption plays a central role in decarbonizing RTGs given they operate up to 20 hr/d, where higher fuel efficiency not only reduces fuel cost, but also reduces operating downtime by achieving longer operating hours between refueling.

Loop Energy President and CEO, Ben Nyland said, “Loop Energy is thrilled to see our fuel cells in use with a global logistics leader like DP World and working alongside leading industry partners to launch this first-of-its-kind project at the Port of Vancouver. We believe H2 fuel cells are critical to enabling the decarbonization of large material handling equipment like RTGs, and we look forward to the successful completion of this pilot to showcase its viability.”

“British Columbians want a cleaner, climate friendly future, and we know that H2 is going to help us get there,” said Josie Osborne, Minister of Energy, Mines and low-carbon innovation. “Our vision is to build a low-carbon future that supports key sectors like commercial transportation while mitigating the impacts of climate change and meeting our greenhouse gas reduction targets.”

TYCROP President and CEO, Scott Mason said, “We’ve developed a ground-breaking ‘HEG’ capable of replacing 1 megawatt of diesel power and eliminating the consumption of 80,000 liters of diesel fuel each year. The HEG, combined with a lithium battery and our energy regeneration technology, provides DP World with class-leading energy efficiency. We are excited to see this technology come to life, and together with the team at H2 Portable, explore other future applications.”

“We are proud to take another tangible step towards reducing emissions at the Port of Vancouver by supporting the use of alternative, low-emission fuels and technologies like H2 through the Low-Emission Technology Initiative,” said Duncan Wilson, Vice President of Environment and External Affairs at the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority. “We look forward to the launch of this important pilot project to test H2-powered equipment at the Port of Vancouver, towards our goal of phasing out all port-related emissions by 2050.”