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Yokogawa to supply energy management system for Yuri green H2 project

Yokogawa Electric Corporation announced that its subsidiary, Yokogawa Australia, has received an order from Monford Group to supply an energy management system (EMS) for the initial phase (phase 0) of the Yuri green H2 project, which is constructing an industrial-scale renewable H2 production complex in Australia.

Conceptual drawing showing the Yuri project facilities at the completion of phase 0. The existing YPF ammonia plant is in the foreground and the solar plant is in the background. (Source: ENGIE S.A.)

The Yuri project is being undertaken in the Pilbara region of Western Australia by Yuri Operations, a joint venture between ENGIE Renewables Australia and Mitsui & Co. A consortium consisting of the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC) companies Technip Energies and Monford Group is constructing these facilities, which will consist of an 18-megawatt (MW) solar power plant, an 8-MW battery energy storage system (BESS) and a 10-MW electrolyzer. Using carbon-free solar energy, this facility will be able to produce up to 640 tpy of green H2. The H2 will be used as a feedstock to produce green ammonia at an adjacent ammonia plant operated by Yara Pilbara Fertilizer (YPF). YPF is a wholly owned subsidiary of Yara International ASA, which is one of the world's largest producers of nitrogen-based mineral fertilizers.

For the control of the solar power plant, BESS and electrolyzer, Yokogawa Australia will supply an EMS that is developed by Yokogawa Group company PXiSE Energy Solutions. This EMS will be combined with an integrated control system centering on the collaborative information server solution that Yokogawa will also be providing for phase 0 of this project, under a separate contract. Once these systems are installed and integrated, the Yuri facility's renewable energy production will be autonomously managed to ensure consistent stability and power quality based on the operating requirements of the adjacent ammonia plant, the weather and other factors.

PXiSE's grid control solutions have already been highly evaluated at a Horizon Power project in Western Australia. Horizon Power serves the largest power supply area in the world, and following a successful rollout in Onslow, the solutions will be adopted in 34 additional Horizon Power microgrids. Also, the ability of Yokogawa Australia's Technical Excellence Center in Perth, Western Australia, to provide technical support and engineering services backed by many years of experience in providing cutting-edge solutions to a wide range of industries in Australia was also evaluated.

Koji Nakaoka, a Yokogawa senior vice president and head of the company's Energy and Sustainability Business Headquarters and Global Sales Headquarters said, "In a world in which systems are becoming closely integrated, based on the system of systems concept, we will contribute to our customer's ESG management by offering high value-added solutions, including the integration of plant control and energy management systems to enable the timely control of complex power systems."