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AGIG begins construction of city-wide renewable H2 blending project

Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) began the of construction of Hydrogen Park (HyP) Gladstone, the first city-wide renewable H2 blending project in Australia. Construction of HyP Gladstone, which is supported by up to $2.72 MM from the Queensland Government’s H2 Industry Development Fund, marks an important milestone in further fostering the H2 economy in the state.

When operational, by early 2024, HyP Gladstone will supply nearly 800 homes and businesses in Gladstone and Barney Point with a blend of up to 10% renewable, carbon-free H2 in their gas supply with no changes needed to appliances, connections or customer bills.

AGIG CEO, Craig de Laine said, “The importance of renewable gas, including H2, is becoming clearer by the day. Customers, including our large industrial customers, are keen to access renewable gas options such as H2 to help meet Safeguard targets and to deliver Queensland’s low carbon objectives more broadly.”

“HyP Gladstone builds on AGIG’s experience in renewable H2 project development in Australia. As Australia’s first city-wide project, HyP Gladstone takes a leap forward in showcasing the low-carbon future of gas supply in Australia. Importantly, renewable gases such as H2 can be delivered safely, reliably and at very little incremental cost through our world-class gas distribution network.”

“AGIG is focused on delivering its vision to provide renewable gas to our customers across Australia, including in Queensland This includes by providing at least 10% renewable gas by 2030 and 100% renewable gas by no later than 2050,” said de Laine.

“We appreciate the Queensland Government’s ongoing support of HyP Gladstone, and the broader actions they are taking to develop a H2 industry in the state. Queensland is very well placed to benefit from this new low-carbon industry and the jobs it will create, including in regions such as Gladstone.”

“Initiatives like the Queensland Government’s H2 Industry Development Fund, the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan and the landmark H2 Industry Development Amendment Bill recently introduced to parliament are important parts of enabling greater investment in H2 and renewable gas infrastructure.”