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Masdar and VERBUND to explore developing large-scale green H2 production in Spain

(PRNewswire)—Masdar and VERBUND Green H2 GmbH have signed a deal to explore developing a green H2 plant in central Spain with a view to decarbonizing Europe's hard-to-abate sectors. As world leaders negotiate at the UN's Climate Change Conference COP28 in the UAE, clean energy pioneers Masdar and VERBUND Green H2 GmbH moved forward with plans to analyze the feasibility of building one of Europe's largest green H2 production plants in central Spain.

Harnessing the abundant renewable resources of Castilla-La Mancha region, the prospective plant will aim to generate green H2 to cover industrial demand in Spain and central Europe. The study will evaluate if green H2 produced at the plant has the potential to displace up to 1 MMtpy of carbon emissions, equivalent of removing around 700,000 cars from the road every year.

The agreement was signed by Mohammad Abdelqader El Ramahi, Masdar's Chief Green H2 Officer and Hamead Ahrary, Managing Director of VERBUND Green H2 GmbH during COP28 in Expo City Dubai. It cements an earlier pact, signed between the companies during Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week in January 2023, to explore green H2 opportunities to cover European demand.

Green H2 is produced using electricity from renewable sources whereby the water is separated into oxygen and H2, via the process of electrolysis. It is intended that the explored plant will produce green H2 using renewable energy generated by solar power plants, potentially including Masdar's planned gigawatt-scale solar plant in Castilla-La Mancha, and onshore wind farms. The project is expected to stimulate job creation and boost green industry in the sparsely populated area.

Mohammad Abdelqader El Ramahi, Masdar's Chief Green H2 Officer said, "Masdar is delighted to be moving forward on this milestone project with our strategic partner, VERBUND Green H2 GmbH. As one of Europe's largest planned green H2 production plants, the project aims to produce green H2 to help decarbonize the continent's hard-to-abate industries while creating jobs and tapping into the region's enormous solar and wind potential. Our successful collaboration on this project paves the way for further development of green H2 and a vital pipeline linking centers of production with end-use markets. At COP28, as the world looks for ways to accelerate the journey to net zero, partnerships such as this serve as a powerful example of what can be achieved if we work together with purpose and at pace."

There is huge growth potential for green H2 in Europe. Spain currently consumes around 500,000 tpy of mainly traditional fuel derived gray H2, which could be gradually replaced with green H2. By 2035, Austria alone is expected to require around 600,000 tpy of clean H2.

Michael Strugl, Chief Executive Officer of VERBUND, emphasized the innovation and technology leadership in the ramp-up of the H2 economy in Europe with this project: "We are very pleased that, within our cooperation with Masdar we can take the next step in the form of a Joint Study Agreement (JSA). The goal is to identify the subsequent way forward towards large-scale H2 production in Spain. Partnerships like this are essential to jointly ramp up the European H2 market to meet decarbonization goals."

Hamead Ahrary, Managing Director of VERBUND Green H2 GmbH added: "The Spanish market plays a vital role for us, both for the development of local H2 production, as well as for future potential import to central Europe. The joint study will generate valuable insights for the feasibility and execution of a potential project, which would result in the further strengthened positioning of VERBUND in the Spanish market. Hence, we are looking forward to the results of this study."

The planned green H2 produced is expected to be used to decarbonize Spain or Europe's hard-to-abate sectors, which could include steel production, fertilizers, chemicals, heavy transportation and aviation. Currently, steelmaking alone is responsible for 5% of European carbon emissions. With most European Union nations pledging to become carbon neutral by 2050, green H2 presents a powerful vehicle for achieving that aim.

Expected to be operational by the end of the decade, the planned green H2 plant will serve the industrial sector and has the potential to help decarbonize heavy transportation in Spain as well as in central Europe.