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Fives joins experts to optimize the distribution of liquid H2 for green mobility

The DelHyVEHR project has officially kicked off its start with the goal to make liquid H2 distribution viable and accessible as a clean energy carrier across various industries. Hosted at ENGIE Lab Crigen in Paris on January 29th and 30th, the project's kick-off brought together a consortium of 13 partners, mainly from industry.

This 3-yr project, coordinated by ENGIE Lab Crigen, the ENGIE Group's research center on the energy transition, is funded by the European Union and supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership with a budget of €5 MM and a European contribution of €3.7 MM. Additionally, this project has received ~€866,000 funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and €1.3 MM from UK Research and Innovation.

Liquid H2 usage could substantially lead to carbon reduction, particularly within heavy-duty applications such as aviation, maritime and railroad transportation. While existing technologies have paved the way for gaseous H2 refueling for light vehicles, DelHyVEHR aims at addressing the gap in liquid H2 distribution infrastructure.

Key objectives of the DelHyVEHR project include the development of a liquid H2 high-rate refueling station dedicated to maritime, aviation and railroad applications with delivery flowrate exceeding 5 tons per hour and zero boil-off losses. The project is expected to achieve its demonstration by the end of 2026. Alongside market maturity the costs are expected to be divided by 2 by 2030.

The DelHyVEHR consortium, comprising 13 leading partners from 4 countries across the European Union, the UK and Switzerland spans the entire value chain from component development to system demonstration and assessment. Additionally, the project benefits from the guidance of a distinguished advisory board comprised of global leaders in H2 end-user industries.