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GenH2 to fuel and launch unmanned aerial vehicle

Demonstrating its liquid on-board and its zero-loss mobile H2 technology, GenH2, a leader in H2 infrastructure solutions, will fuel an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at its Titusville headquarters. By utilizing liquid H2, the UAV can travel four times farther than previous capabilities.

Not a typical drone, this UAV is a six-foot long octocopter and can only be flown by licensed pilots who must log hundreds of hours (similar to a small aircraft) and requires filing a flight plan with the FAA. Studies by many industry experts such as IATA and Airbus have shown that liquid H2 is the preferred choice and future for aviation renewable energy.

GenH2 will utilize its mobile LS20 small-scale system to fuel the UAV with liquid H2. The LS20 can liquefy, store and transfer H2 with zero loss, within a mobile trailer for the flexibility to provide H2 wherever it is needed. The UAV will hover over the company’s Titusville campus, running solely on liquid H2 for 15-20 minutes (this technology offers UAV flying time of up to 12 hours vs a battery max of two hours).

The UAV flight will demonstrate the potential of future use cases for GenH2’s small-scale and onboard liquid H2 technology that can enable advanced clean energy anywhere, at any time. This is the first time a UAV has flown in Florida using liquid H2.

“The demonstration of the UAV marks the beginning of a new age for small-scall and onboard liquid H2,” said Greg Gosnell, CEO of GenH2. “This milestone is the first step in our journey to ensure that liquefaction and transfer technology with zero-loss is available to fuel vehicles when and where it is needed.”