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HAV Hydrogen receives funding for hydrogen energy system

HAV Hydrogen has received $1.16 MM in funding to build, test and certify a full-scale prototype of the company’s Zero Emission Pod—a containerized hydrogen (H2) energy system for ships.

The DNV-approved Zero Emission Pod is a complete deck house where several fuel cells are mounted together with a complete H2 distribution system, control and safety system including emergency shutdown system, ventilation system, cooling system and DC/DC power distribution system.

The Zero Emission Pod received Approval in Principle (AiP) by DNV last year. Building and testing of a full-scale prototype is a continuation of this work. The prototype testing will further enhance technology readiness-level and –from a shipowner’s perspective – substantially de-risk the solution. The latter will make it easier for shipowners to choose to invest in one or more Zero Emission Pods.

“Our system is designed based on a risk-based methodology in order to comply with the safety barrier requirements of IMO’s fuel cell guidelines. This is essential to create a mass market product that can be quickly adopted by the maritime industry. Moreover, having a physical, working product to showcase to shipowners and yards will enable an enhanced understanding of the maturity and marketability of the Zero Emission Pod,” said Kristian Osnes, managing director of HAV Hydrogen.

Testing and certification will be conducted at SINTEF’s new test facility in Trondheim, Norway. Due to the system’s innovative features and substantial commercial potential, Innovation Norway has allocated a $1.16-MM grant to HAV Hydrogen to build and test the first full-scale Zero Emission Pod. The prototype will be built during 2024.

Innovation Norway’s Environmental Technology Scheme is aimed at the pilot and demonstration phase of a development project, targeting environmental technology. The purpose of the scheme is to promote the development and implementation of new technologies that provide increased environmental protection and contribute to strengthening Norwegian business competitiveness.

“Facing the monumental challenges of transitioning and phasing out fossil fuels, the importance of our mission at Innovation Norway becomes ever more clear. Supporting projects like HAV Hydrogen’s is important, as it embodies Innovation Norway's commitment to support Norwegian industries through this pivotal transformation,” said Magne Aarsnes, financial adviser at Innovation Norway.

HAV Hydrogen’s parent group, Euronext Growth Oslo-listed HAV Group ASA, will provide the remaining funds required to build, test and certify the prototype.

“HAV Group is dedicated to enabling the green transition at sea. Adopting a safe and easy-to-install H2 energy system is an attractive shortcut for vessel operators and owners that are keen to decarbonize their fleet without incurring unreasonable costs in doing so. We are excited about contributing towards the building of the prototype and the commercial potential this can help to unlock,” said Gunnar Larsen, CEO of HAV Group.

Installed effect from the Zero Emission Pod can be used for the main propulsion systems, or for additional power supply on board the vessel to comply with green operation standards. Quayside, the H2 system can ensure sufficient green power supply to the vessel, which does not need to rely on onshore charging infrastructure to achieve zero emission status.

“The Zero Emission Pod can either be utilized as a retrofit option for vessels that have not already been prepared for a conventional retrofit installation below deck, or as a complete plug-in module that de-risks the yard installation for newbuilds. The size of the potential market is huge,” said Kristian Osnes.