The Australian Hydrogen Council congratulated the Australian Government on the announcement of a $140-MM agreement with the Western Australian Government to progress a H2 hub in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
This is the seventh H2 hub funded by the Australian Government, with more than $500-MM invested to support the development of the H2 industry in regional Australia. The regional H2 hubs announced to date include Pilbara (WA), Kwinana (WA), Gladstone (QLD), Townsville (QLD), Bell Bay (TAS), Port Bonython (SA) and the Hunter (NSW).
The Pilbara Hydrogen Hub will serve as a prominent center for H2 production and export, with potential to emerge as a global gateway for Australia-manufactured green steel and iron. It is expected to be operational by mid-2028, with construction of necessary infrastructure and road intersections commencing this year.
The Australian and Western Australian Governments will each contribute $70 MM to the project, primarily directed towards building essential infrastructure supporting H2 exports and renewable energy production.
Funds will be allocated for the establishment of a Clean Energy Training and Research Institute, focusing on practical, job-oriented training in renewable energy and H2 for Pilbara residents, including First Nations peoples.
CEO of the Australian Hydrogen Council Dr Fiona Simon said, “We would like to congratulate the Australian Government, State Governments and industry for investing in the Australian H2 industry through seven regional H2 hubs strategically positioned across Australia.
“These hub projects are being led by world-leading developers and partners and will need continued support from all levels of government to address common user infrastructure, social license and regulatory requirements.
“H2 has a clear role to play in meeting Australia’s net zero ambitions especially for the hard-to-abate sectors, so we now need to focus on implementation and continue to share and learn from these large-scale projects to accelerate the transition and drive down the cost of H2.
“Today we congratulate the Western Australian Government on reaching this milestone and strengthening the Pilbara region’s prospect of being a H2 rich economy that leverages its existing mining and export partnerships. We look forward to seeing this project progress.”
The seven H2 hubs being funded by the Australian Government: