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ZTE pioneers green solution for zero-carbon communication for Telefónica Germany

(PRNewswire)--ZTE Corporation has achieved a significant milestone by successfully implementing a zero-carbon energy solution that supplies a telecom site of Telefónica Germany. This project utilizes ZTE's green power solution that combines solar energy, methanol-powered H2 fuel cells and intelligent energy storage.

The collaboration between ZTE and Telefónica Germany marks the first commercial deployment of such a green solution in Germany. For network operation, Telefónica Germany uses technology from one of its national network suppliers. Challenges arise when it comes to accessing grid power in remote locations, as it often involves lengthy construction periods and high costs. To overcome these obstacles, ZTE explored a new green and efficient solution for Telefónica Germany that meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. The final implementation considered environmental friendliness, sustainability and affordability, demonstrating superior performance in multiple areas.

The proposed solution from ZTE solves multiple challenges by combining solar power with methanol-powered H2 fuel cells. By relying primarily on solar energy and supplementing with H2 fuel cells during winter, the solution achieves 100% power availability, ensuring uninterrupted energy supply for the telecom site – and therefore smooth communication services for the residents in the remote area as well as eliminating worries about disruptions with their connectivity to the global network.

The green solution stands out for its minimal carbon footprint. The combination of solar energy and methanol-powered H2 fuel cells results in only water and a minimal amount of carbon dioxide as byproducts. This not only reduces carbon emissions but also aligns with the high standards for sustainable development set by the German government and enterprises. By adopting this ultimate green energy solution, Telefónica Germany demonstrates its commitment to environmental responsibility and sets an example for other companies in the telecommunications industry.

Furthermore, the solution leverages methanol H2 production within the module, and thereby eliminates the risks associated with H2 storage and transportation, making it safer and more environment-friendly compared to traditional H2 fuel cells. Backed up with this reliable and secure energy supply, Telefónica Germany delivers excellent communication services without compromising safety or sustainability at the pilot site.

ZTE's green solution can be extended to other European operators, contributing to the industry-wide goal of carbon neutrality. By sharing its expertise, ZTE is dedicated to driving the telecommunications industry towards a greener and more sustainable future.