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Morocco's leap into green H2: A sustainable future on 2.5-MM acres

Morocco is committing significantly to green H2 by dedicating around 2.5-MM acres of land for projects aimed at generating this clean energy source. Green H2, created through the electrolysis of water, offers a promising alternative to fossil fuels for powering heavy machinery without emitting harmful greenhouse gases. Despite the process being energy-intensive, Morocco's abundant sunlight and existing renewable energy infrastructure, including the world's largest concentrated solar power plant, the Ouarzazate Solar Power Station, present a unique advantage for green H2 production.

The initial phase for green H2 production involves 740,000 acres of land, with the Moroccan government providing incentives to attract investment in this area for domestic use and export. This move is part of Morocco's broader ambition to transition towards renewable energy, aiming to increase the share of renewables in its total installed capacity to 52% by 2030. Morocco, which already generates 37.6% of its energy from renewable sources, is reducing its dependence on imported fossil fuels and advancing its position in the global energy transition.

Source: Yahoo