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Platinum-linked green H2 set to be the world’s new oil

The global push for H2 as a key component of the clean energy transition is gaining momentum. The Hydrogen Council, consisting of 150 multinational companies, advocates for H2 as a renewable and non-polluting energy solution. Bill Gates and Forbes contributors highlight the rapid development of green H2 technologies, positioning it as a potential replacement for traditional energy sources.

Countries worldwide are forming alliances and investing in H2 infrastructure. Southern Africa's platinum group metals are crucial for efficient H2 production and fuel cells. Major initiatives in regions like the UAE, Japan, South Korea and the European Union underscore the global interest in H2.

Companies are investing in H2 manufacturing facilities and joint ventures, while governments are funding research and development of H2-powered technologies. Africa, particularly the Southern African Development Community (SADC), is also prioritizing green H2 projects and skills development, despite lagging behind in investment. There's a significant opportunity for stakeholders to harness Africa's H2 potential for both regional and global benefits.

Source: Mining Weekly

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