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Australian Hydrogen Council to provide specialized support and advisory services to Australian Government’s Industry Growth Program

The Australian Hydrogen Council (AHC) thanks Minister for Industry and Science the Hon Ed Husic MP for funding our new AusHETS project with Cicada Innovations as part of the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR)’s Industry Growth Program: Industry Partner Organization (IPO).

The AusHETs project (awarded to AHC’s registered business: H2 mobility Australia) has received $920,000 over 2 yr and will provide specialized advice and support to startups and small and medium businesses participating in the Industry Growth Program. This will focus on growing Australia’s H2 equipment, technology and services (HETS) sector, through the development of new technologies and enabling SMEs to transition from existing industries into H2.

Supporting Australian innovation is critical to strengthening Australia’s position as a global leader in H2, and also opens up new opportunities across the value chain including derivatives, green metals and fuels that use H2, as well as the broader supply chain required to make, store, move and use the molecule.

CEO of the Australian Hydrogen Council Dr Fiona Simon said, “The Australian Hydrogen Council is proud to be a partner in the Industry Growth Program, and delivering the AusHETS project to support new technology, innovation and business approaches required for H2, its derivatives and the broader supply chain in Australia.

“This grant support will enable us to assist referred SMEs in the renewables and low emission technologies sector with specialized advisory services using a range of initiatives including access to facilities, equipment, technical support, expertise, specialized programs and events.

“The growing H2 industry needs investment in technology and capacity building, and we are grateful that the Australian Government has recognized this as part of the Industry Growth Program. Our aim is to strengthen our understanding of Australia’s economic complexity and grow our capacity to manufacture key components in an industry that is guaranteed to grow globally.

“We are also excited to be working in collaboration with Cicada Innovations to deliver a number of workshops, such as the H2 Elevate Workshops and H2 Fast Start Program and Climate Salad to tap into its network and take part in industry recognized events.”

CEO of Cicada Innovations, Sally-Ann Williams said, “Cicada Innovations is excited to partner with the Australian Hydrogen Council on the AusHETS program which brings together Cicada Innovation’s broad networks and deep experience in commercializing science and technology-based innovations with the Council’s deep industry knowledge and networks.”

CEO of Climate Salad, Mick Liubinskas said, "We're really excited to see all the hard work of the Australian Hydrogen Council continue to turn into growth and momentum of this important industry. We have seen first-hand how many great innovations and companies Australia is producing to address these massive, global climate challenges and this program will help maximize this potential."

The AusHETS project will deliver the following key activities for the Industry Growth Program:

  • Bespoke coaching, commercialization and growth workshops
  • Tailored industry engagement including webinars, investor roundtables and events
  • Access to facilities
  • Development of case studies.

The Industry Growth Program provides expert advice on commercialization and early-stage business growth to startups and high-growth SMEs operating within the priority areas of the National Reconstruction Fund, and to help build Australian manufacturing for the future.

This advice is provided by Industry Growth program advisers. Industry Partner Organizations will complement this advice and add value to and enhance the support provided to SMEs by offering specialized advisory services, drawing on their sectoral expertise.