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Fortescue’s dual-fueled ammonia-powered vessel named a winner at World Hydrogen 2024 Awards

The Green Pioneer, Fortescue’s dual-fueled ammonia-powered vessel has been awarded the H2 Transport award at the World Hydrogen 2024 Awards. At a ceremony in Rotterdam the Sustainable Energy Council H2 Advisory Board recognized Fortescue for its significant achievements in the transport sector and outstanding work over the past 12 months to advance H2 technologies through innovation, leadership, and scalability.

Fortescue Energy CEO, Mark Hutchinson, said, “Fortescue is a technology group accelerating commercial decarbonization through heavy industry, rapidly, profitably, and globally. Our commitment to delivering real solutions to eliminate emissions is unwavering and The Green Pioneer stands as a testament to our delivery capability and dedication, showcasing the future of green ammonia as a marine fuel.”

“Our work doesn’t stop here though. We now call upon regulators, ports, and institutions to join us in accelerating the adoption of ammonia as a marine fuel. Together, let's create green maritime hubs and corridors, ushering in a new era of sustainable shipping.”

The Green Pioneer has been converted to run on dual-fuel ammonia and in March, Fortescue and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore conducted the world's first use of ammonia, in combination with diesel, as a marine fuel onboard the Green Pioneer in the Port of Singapore.

In successfully completing the fuel transfers and subsequent sea trials, the Green Pioneer received flag approval from the Singapore Registry of Ships and statutory and class certificates from Classification Society DNV approving the use of ammonia, in combination with diesel, as a marine fuel. This is a significant milestone and brings the world one step closer to green shipping.

Sustainable Energy Council Managing Director, Chris Huggall, said, “We are delighted to recognize the efforts and achievements from these global H2 pioneers, who are truly paving the way for the industry, hitting enormous milestones that others can build upon.”

Fortescue’s Gladstone PEM50 project was also recognized as a Finalist in the Clean H2 Category. The Australian based green H2 project was acknowledged for making a significant commercial and technical contribution to the electrolysis and green H2 business, through innovation, cutting-edge technology, and nurturing talent.

The Gladstone PEM50 Project, will be located in Queensland, Australia adjacent to the operational Gladstone Electrolyzer Facility. Gladstone PEM50 is a two stage 50-MW green H2 project. Phase one comprises installation of a 30-MW electrolyzer plant, with the remaining 20-MW capacity to be installed and commissioned in 2028. The 50-MW plant has a production capacity of up to 22 tpd or 8,000 tpy of green H2. The project will use Fortescue’s own proton exchange membrane (PEM) technology. It will be constructed adjacent to Fortescue’s existing Gladstone Electrolyzer Manufacturing Facility, on the Green Energy Manufacturing site. Construction is expected to commence in 2024, with the first production of green H2 in 2025.