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Everfuel submits project proposal for large H2 production project

Everfuel A/S has submitted a project proposal for the phased development of up to 2 GW green H2 production capacity at the Revsing Energy Park under development by the municipality of Vejen, Denmark. The project named Frigg, if included by the municipality, is set to become Everfuel’s first large-scale production facility dedicated to H2 supply via pipeline to industrial customers in Germany.

Everfuel have secured land for the built-out of Frigg and is now continuing development and feasibility work to secure access to the available infrastructure for the uniquely positioned project. Frigg is located in close proximity to the Revsing transformer station and within the area of the H2 backbone. Frigg is planned to be expandable up to 2 GW of electrolyzer capacity with potential direct connection to greenfield local renewable energy production from solar and wind developed by Everfuel or partners, as well as integration with local district heating. In May, Everfuel announced a Letter of Intent with an undisclosed German industrial customer for initial supply of up to 10,000 tpy of green H2. Project Frigg is the intended supply source for the German customer and for other future industrial offtakers.    

“We are excited to move ahead with the Frigg project which represents a significant expansion to the development of Denmark's H2 production infrastructure. It will support local employment and create other positive ripple effects across the region, while also reducing CO2 emissions in Europe. Frigg is a key enabler for our commercial discussions with our LoI-partner and other industrial customers in Germany. The project is also an important element in the dialogue with the Danish authorities regarding Everfuels indicated pipeline capacity reservations," said Jacob Krogsgaard, founder and CEO of Everfuel.

Frigg is located on the “Lower T”, specifically in the intersection between the North-South and East-West H2 backbone, which is expected to be the first section to be built and operational by 2028 as announced by the Danish TSO, Energinet. Frigg is positioned to scale rapidly according to market demand. Additionally, HySynergy is also expected to be connected to the Lower T-pipeline, enabling critical balancing and redundancy-supply functions between the two facilities.