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Nu:ionic Technologies, XRG Technologies announce a novel electrified furnace platform for low-carbon H2 production

Nu:ionic Technologies and XRG Technologies announced a jointly-developed novel electrified furnace platform to be marketed under the Nu-X service name. Additionally, Nu:ionic announced the first commercial implementation of this technology in its Nu-X Smart Reformer, an electrified emission-free reactor for the production of low-carbon teal H2 using natural gas, renewable biogas, ammonia or methanol as feedstock.

In conventional H2 plants, almost all emissions are generated in the fired heater of the steam methane reformer (SMR). This includes carbon emissions, as well as criteria air pollutants such as NOx, SOx, and particulate matter (soot). These emissions are eliminated in the Nu-X Smart Reformer.

The compact and modular Nu-X Smart Reformer is significantly less expensive and a fraction of the size of traditional SMRs at similar capacities, and able to scale to industrial production volumes. The highly efficient Nu-X Smart Reformer is designed for extended uptime and requires minimal maintenance due to an advanced proprietary digital control system that enables remote monitoring, thus ensuring safe and reliable operation at peak efficiency. Modular, pre-engineered commercial scale units currently capable of up to 20 tpd H2 capacity are in production now and available for deployment immediately.

Nu:ionic’s low-carbon teal H2 process reduces natural gas feedstock requirements by up to 40%, resulting in a significant reduction in combustion emission, as well as emissions associated with upstream gas exploration and transmission leakages. The plant's carbon emissions can be further reduced by combining with Nu:ionic’s carbon capture solution, resulting in H2 with up to a 90% lower carbon footprint as compared to conventional SMR processes. When used with renewable biogas feedstock, further reduction of the carbon intensity of the H2 is achieved.

With the addition of the Nu-X Smart Reformer and technology platform to its portfolio, Nu:ionic takes another step forward in achieving its vision to electrify industrial processes while providing end-users more flexibility in production capacity of low-cost, low-carbon teal H2. In addition to Nu-X, Nu:ionic continues to develop its industrial microwave platform for electrification, which includes the Microwave Catalytic Reformer™ (MCR™).

Nu:ionic’s MCR technology provides precise, immediate and highly efficient targeted heating which eliminates the need for fuel combustion and resulting emissions, and accommodates low-cost H2 carriers such as renewable methanol, biogas or natural gas.