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Rain Cage Carbon and Toyota Tsusho Canada enter strategic co-marketing and master purchase agreement

Rain Cage Carbon Inc. a leader in carbon capture and reuse technology, announced a co-marketing and master purchase agreement with Toyota Tsusho Canada Inc., a multi-market enterprise supplying many of the world's top vehicle manufacturers and parts suppliers. This collaboration is poised to leverage Rain Cage Carbon's global carbon farm decarbonization initiatives to provide its Advanced Carbon, a synthetic graphite replacement, into the Toyota Group's diverse supply chains.

Under this agreement, Rain Cage Carbon will leverage its proprietary EDENTM Carbon Capture and Reuse System to supply Toyota Tsusho Canada with Advanced Carbon products. These materials are expected to be crucial for the manufacturing of current and next-generation electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, hybrids, and H2 vehicles, showcasing a shared commitment to environmental sustainability and cutting-edge automotive solutions.

Grant Town, President of Toyota Tsusho Canada, highlighted the synergy between the two companies, stating: "Our relationship with Rain Cage Carbon was formed to help Toyota Tsusho Canada further our vision of a sustainable future, where advanced technology and responsible resource management converge."

Blair Aiken, Chairman and CEO of Rain Cage Carbon, echoed this sentiment, adding: "Working with Grant and Toyota Tsusho Canada over the past eighteen months has fostered a collaboration to harness our common aspirations for both global societal benefits and cutting-edge business innovation."

This relationship is expected to have a significant impact on both companies' sustainability goals, with plans to expand the scope of their collaboration to additional markets and applications over the coming years.