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Airbus welcomes London Gatwick to global hydrogen hub network

Airbus has teamed up with London Gatwick, easyJet and Air Products, the world’s largest H2 supplier, to expand H2 capability and infrastructure in the UK as the manufacturer moves closer to its target of getting a H2-powered aircraft in the sky by 2035. Standing up the right infrastructure is key to enabling H2 flight and this partnership is yet another step towards making this a reality in the UK.

Under Airbus’ H2 Hubs at Airports framework, the scope of work covers liquid H2 supply and storage at the airport, refueling and ground handling of H2 aircraft, as well as the exploration of other, shorter-term opportunities for using H2 at London Gatwick.

Because early H2-powered aircraft will initially focus on short to medium haul routes, London Gatwick’s position as the UK’s leading hub for these services, along with easyJet’s operational insight as a short haul carrier, makes this the ideal testbed for R&D into critical support infrastructure. This collaboration between Airbus, London Gatwick, easyJet and Air Products will serve as a powerful statement of commitment to making H2-powered flight a reality by 2035.

Airbus Vice President ZEROe Project Glenn Llewellyn said, “Our license to operate hinges on finding better ways to fly. We know H2 has the versatility to be an excellent fuel source for decarbonizing the industry. We’ve set ambitious targets to fly on H2 by 2035 and this technology needs to be supported by reliable and tested infrastructure. Sharing knowledge and best practice at airports will be critical for building the right H2 ecosystem around the world and we look forward to working with all consortium members to develop the support for the technology and end-to-end H2 supply chain that will power future flight.”

Stewart Wingate, Chief Executive Officer, London Gatwick, said, “Alongside Sustainable Aviation Fuels, H2 stands out as having real potential to help us decarbonize Scope 3 emissions at the airport, particularly for the short haul aircraft that dominate London Gatwick’s operations. In parallel we’ve accelerated our plans and aim to be net zero for the emissions we control – Scope 1 and 2 - ten years early, by 2030. We still have a long way to go and a lot of hard work to do, but today’s exciting partnership is an important early step toward reaching our net zero ambitions.” 

David Morgan, Chief Operating Officer, easyJet, said, “H2 is going to play an important role in decarbonizing aviation so we need to lay the groundwork now to make that happen. The Gatwick hub is another positive signal and demonstrates the industry’s intent to both adapt and work together to reach the common goal of decarbonizing aviation. Combined with support from regulators and policymakers, I’ve no doubt that projects like this will act as the building blocks to prepare UK airports for a H2 transition – something that will be critical to achieving our net zero ambitions.”

Suzanne Lowe, Vice President and General Manager, United Kingdom, Ireland, Israel and Italy, Air Products, said, “We’re incredibly pleased to contribute Air Products’ decades of experience producing and distributing H2 to this exciting project. The H2 Hubs at Airports framework is an important milestone in paving the way for sustainable aviation and future proofing the UK economy. Air Products is committed to helping the UK become a global leader in low-carbon H2 production. We look forward to collaborating with our partners and government leaders on this project and to unlock further investments in renewable H2. These include our plans for a large-scale renewable H2 facility in Immingham.”

This partnership will add to the ongoing work easyJet and Airbus are doing with H2 South West, an infrastructure ecosystem that aims to bring the benefits of H2 to the South West of England.