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Toyota's fuel cell R&D and production plant starts operation in Beijing

The new plant of Huafeng Fuel Cell Co., Ltd. (FCTS) and United Fuel Cell System Research and Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (FCRD) officially started production in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone. This marks that the fuel cell project jointly promoted by Toyota Motor Corporation and its local Chinese partners has officially entered a new stage. In order to contribute to China's vision of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, through the localization efforts of new quality productivity, it will further accelerate the research and development and market input of products suitable for the Chinese market and promote the popularization and application of H2 energy technology.

At the new plant commissioning ceremony, Toyota China General Manager Tatsuro Ueda congratulated the new plant and said in his speech said, "In the Chinese market, H2 energy technology is used in many application scenarios such as cold chain and logistics represented by buses and heavy trucks and is growing at an astonishing rate. FCTS products have always been well received by customers in the Chinese market for their high quality and high durability. We look forward to the advantages of H2 energy technology being further utilized in practical applications such as trunk logistics in the future, and to achieving a carbon-neutral society through the popularization of FCEVs. For the sake of the smiles of our customers, as a parent company, Toyota will fully support and implement a lean production system that adopts the Toyota Production System in the new Beijing plant, firmly rooted in manufacturing culture, and continue to provide high-quality and cost-effective products to the Chinese and even global markets."

Zhang Guoqiang, Chairman of Beijing SinoHytec Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SinoHytec), said, "Today is an important step for SinoHytec and Toyota to deepen their cooperation and plan for the future. Thank you for witnessing this milestone event. The establishment of FCTS is a strategic decision made by both parties based on their deep insight into the global energy transition and a high degree of consensus on the future development potential of fuel cell technology. We believe that by combining the unique advantages of both parties in technology, market and management, FCTS will become a new engine to promote the vigorous development of the fuel cell industry. We look forward to continuing to deepen cooperation with all partners, jointly drawing a grand blueprint for the H2 economy, and contributing to building a cleaner and low-carbon world."

As a key project in Beijing, the completion of Toyota's fuel cell R&D and production plant is the result of the concerted efforts of many parties. Toyota has worked closely with industry experts and, with the support and guidance of the government, strictly implemented relevant safety standards, reflecting its unremitting pursuit of safety and quality and setting a new benchmark for the industry. The new plant has a total area of ​​113,000 square meters, of which the first phase covers an area of ​​44,000 square meters. It mainly includes 7 building units, including production plants, test workshops, R&D buildings, laboratory buildings, H2 stations, integrated stations, and waste warehouses. Based on Toyota technology, FCRD will promote the R&D of fuel cell systems, and FCTS will promote the production and sales of fuel cell systems and stacks. The maximum annual production capacity of the first phase can reach 10,000 units. The second phase of the project is expected to start in 2026, which will further enhance the company's production capacity and market competitiveness.

At present, accelerating the cultivation of new quality productivity has become the key to China's industrial transformation and upgrading and high-quality development. Toyota has taken root in China and continuously expanded its "H2 circle". Since April 2019, it has provided fuel cell components to Chinese commercial vehicle manufacturers and has successively established cooperative relationships with China First Automobile Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Automotive Group Co., Ltd. and many other domestic commercial vehicle companies and fuel cell system integrators such as SinoHytec. Adhering to Toyota's concept of "creating things is educating people" to cultivate local talents in the field of H2 energy and using TPS Toyota production method to build a localized R&D and production system, Toyota and local partners have successively established R&D company FCRD and production company FCTS, which have received strong support from governments at all levels and partners. The commissioning and operation of the new factory has further improved Toyota's fuel cell system for the Chinese market. The full process system construction from R&D to production, sales and service, in the future, will continue to strive to provide Chinese customers with high-quality and high-durability fuel cell products while continuing to help promote China's H2 energy technology innovation and industrial development.

In the future, Toyota will continue to expand its cooperation with local Chinese companies based on the H2 energy technology it has cultivated for many years, strengthen and accelerate the transformation of new productivity results such as H2 energy technology, respond to the government's call, provide more abundant H2 energy products to solve related issues in the commercial vehicle field, and strive to promote the popularization of H2 energy technology to form a unified large market for the H2 energy industry, and contribute to the early realization of a carbon-neutral society.