H2SITE, a leading company in H2 separation technology and H2 transportation solutions, has announced its collaboration with SNAM, one of Europe’s key energy infrastructure operators, to develop an innovative project focused on the separation of H2 and natural gas mixtures.
As part of this initiative, H2SITE has designed a Pd-alloy membrane separator, capable of extracting H2 from 2% to 10% concentrations. Once built, this unit will represent the largest installation of its kind, capable of separating H2 at low concentrations while achieving high recovery rates.
The Pd-alloy membrane separator allows the recovered H2 to be used directly in fuel cells, H2-to-power solutions such as gas turbines and engines, and high-temperature ovens. At the same time, it minimizes the H2 content in the remaining natural gas, preventing unwanted alterations in its composition. This is particularly important for industrial consumers whose processes cannot tolerate significant H2 concentrations and ensures compliance with local regulations in the gas grid. H2SITE membranes will operate at pressures above 50 bar, an industrial scale proof point relevant for large-scale H2 storage applications, such as salt caverns or depleted reservoirs.
H2SITE’s H2 separation technology has already been successfully validated with gas distribution grid operators, demonstrating the compatibility of existing distribution infrastructures with the transport of H2-natural gas mixtures. It has also proven the efficient separation of H2 from the natural gas stream, enabling both the production of high-purity H2 and the removal of H2 from natural gas while maintaining to clean streams.
This new project reinforces H2SITE’s strategic collaboration with major infrastructure players like transmission system operators (TSOs), distribution system operators (DSOs), and other stakeholders interested in H2 separation. Additionally, and thanks to the support from the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks, and Environment (ARERA), it strengthens H2SITE’s commercial presence in the Italian market, fostering collaborations and promoting the adoption of innovative technologies for the energy transition.
This initiative marks a significant step towards decarbonizing the energy sector, leveraging existing infrastructure, such as pipelines, and integrating new ones, such as salt caverns etc. to facilitate H2 integration as a clean and renewable energy source. Through advanced separation solutions, H2SITE and SNAM are contributing to making H2 a key resource for the future of sustainable energy.