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Large-scale, zero-emissions blue H2 for decarbonization

This episode of H2TechTalk examines H2 production technology and CCUS solutions with Torkild Reinertsen, Chairman & Market Lead for Hydrogen at REINERTSEN New Energy and HYDROGEN Mem-Tech. We discuss the advantages of zero-emissions blue H2 technology in the context of a market study for the production and transport of H2 based on Norwegian natural gas, as well as the cost factors and applications of blue H2 vs. green H2 for decarbonization.


This episode of H2TechTalk examines H2 production technology and CCUS solutions with Torkild Reinertsen, Chairman & Market Lead for Hydrogen at REINERTSEN New Energy and HYDROGEN Mem-Tech. We discuss the advantages of zero-emissions blue H2 technology in the context of a market study for the production and transport of H2 based on Norwegian natural gas, as well as the cost factors and applications of blue H2 vs. green H2 for decarbonization.


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