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Driving toward a greener horizon: The future of H2-powered trucking

Join us in this episode of H2TechTalk as we delve into the sustainable future of transportation with guest Andrey Zinovev, CEO of Ultra Motors. Discover how Ultra Motors is revolutionizing long-haul trucking by developing hybrid electric trucks fueled by H2 and other low-carbon solutions. Gain insights into the challenges and prospects of clean energy in the commercial transportation sector, and explore the potential for a carbon-neutral future.

Join us in this episode of H2TechTalk as we delve into the sustainable future of transportation with guest Andrey Zinovev, CEO of Ultra Motors. Discover how Ultra Motors is revolutionizing long-haul trucking by developing hybrid electric trucks fueled by H2 and other low-carbon solutions. Gain insights into the challenges and prospects of clean energy in the commercial transportation sector, and explore the potential for a carbon-neutral future.

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